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Idaho BEAD Subgrantee Selection Process

Idaho Office of Broadband (IOB)is planning a multi-step process for selecting subgrantees and making BEAD funding awards:

  1. Publish Application Project Areas (APAs) map.
  2. Prequalification application phase for potential subgrantee applicants (mandatory for the Potential Applicant’s participation of the BEAD program).
  3. BEAD grant application window.
  4. Grant applications will be reviewed, scored and ranked.
  5. Proceed to the negotiations phase with the highest-scoring applicants and make provisional grant awards.

Who Can Apply?

Eligible applicants include public and private entities that meet the BEAD eligibility requirements set forth in the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act of 2021, Division F, Title I, Section 60102, Public Law 117-58, 135 Stat. 429 (November 15, 2021) also known as the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law.

Eligible applicants include, but are not limited to:

  • An eligible broadband provider based on the definition outlined in the ID Code § 40-517 (2022);
  • Incorporated businesses or partnerships;
  • Non-profit organizations;
  • Limited liability companies;
  • Incorporations
  • Cooperative entities that provide broadband services.
  • An Idaho local or Tribal government; or
  • Non-traditional providers (e.g., telecommunications provider, electric cooperative, and local government entities).

IOB Subgrantee Timeline

365 Day Shot Clock Starts

2.0 Re-opened for Public Comment Period for 14 Days

Closes on 3/27/2025 @ 11:59pm MT

Register for office hours HERE.

Note: Dates are listed below. Click the drop down to see all available dates.

Open for 30 Days

Closes on 3/27/2025 @ 11:59pm MT

Note: Dates are listed below. Click the drop down to see all available dates.

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